Bipartisan “Climate Mayors” Prove Clean, Renewable Energy Not a Political Issue

The need for global action to limit the impact of the climate crisis is one of the few things nearly all countries can agree on. Climate respects no borders and is above politics. We have no economy without a healthy ecosystem. When Washington DC politics got in the way in 2017, more than 400 mayors […]
“Handshake Activism” Won’t Defuse the Climate Emergency

We need to mobilize many more people from all walks of life, say climate activists Kumi Naidoo and Luisa Neubauer. If a historian were charting the climate movement, she’d probably set its highwater mark so far as September of 2019, when something like 7 million people, most of them young, took to the streets of […]
Landfills: An Unexpected Source of Renewable Energy

Did you know that the garbage you throw out every day is a source of green energy? The gas naturally generated by landfills fuels vehicles and powers the electric grid, easing our dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil. “Landfill gas is a resource the waste and recycling industry is proud to reliably provide 24 […]
Can Recycling Metals From Steel to Lithium Boost Green Transition?

As demand surges for metals such as lithium, recycling could cut the impact of mining on people and nature. At a metal recycling facility in central England, thousands of tonnes of shredded scrap from cars to construction debris arrive daily to be processed into individual materials and sold. A mixture of metals, plastics and other […]
Italy Is Fighting Energy Poverty — and Climate Change

Renewable energy communities provide a blueprint for a fairer green energy transition. San Giovanni a Teduccio is a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of Naples, Italy. Once an industrial center, today it’s home to abandoned factories that sit in ruins by the sea. But the rooftop of a former orphanage points to new beginnings for […]