“Climate Constellation” — Our Reach and Influence
A Global Climate Matrix where the wisdom of solution generated at the AREDAY is played forward to connect nodes of sustainability around the planet. From Reykjavik to Beijing, Honolulu to Hong Kong, Aspen to Dallas, NYC to SF. The most important day at the AREDAY Summit is the day we leave and play it forward to the next high-level meeting, summit and conference in order to connect the sustainable, low carbon dots forward — at the speed and scale necessary to solve the climate crisis.

Climate Constellation
EarthX, Dallas, TX
EarthX is an international environmental nonprofit based in Texas dedicated to educating and inspiring actions for a more sustainable future. Gathering concerned citizens, educators, businesses, nonprofits, and global leaders at the world’s largest environmental forum, EarthX programs an exhibition, a film festival, and conferences. Learn More
Climate Week, UNGA, New York City, NY
Climate Week NYC is the time and place where the world gathers together to showcase amazing climate action and discusses how to do more. Climate Week NYC is one of the key summits in the international calendar and has been driving climate action forward since it was first launched by The Climate Group in 2009. Learn More
Clean Energy Week, Washington D.C.
National Clean Energy Week was conceived with the goal of advancing support of our nation’s energy sector through new methods of market development, policy change, and technological innovation.Across America, clean and readily abundant forms of energy are powering more than homes and businesses. Taken together, our capacity for secure and reliable energy generation is driving a clean energy renaissance that is creating jobs, strengthening America’s national security, and preserving our environment. Learn More
COP15, Copenhagen, Denmark
At COP15, world leaders struck a new political accord to address climate change at the 2009 U.N. Climate Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark. The accord provided for explicit emission pledges by all major economies – including, for the first time, China and other major developing countries. Learn More
COP16, Cancún, Mexico
At COP16 environment officials and ministers will meet in Cancún in Mexico for the UN climate change conference to continue efforts towards an international deal on cutting carbon emissions. Learn More
COP21, Paris, France
The COP21 or the Paris Climate Conference led to a new international climate agreement, applicable to all countries, aiming to keep global warming below 2°C, in accordance with the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Learn More
COP22, DO-FEST, Marrakech, Morocco
The purpose of the COP22 conference was to discuss and implement plans about combatting climate change and to “[demonstrate] to the world that the implementation of the Paris Agreement is underway”. Participants work together to come up with global solutions to climate change. Learn More
COP25, Madrid, Spain
COP26, Glasgow, Scotland
Atlantic Council, IRENA, WFES, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
The Atlantic Council Global Energy Forum in Abu Dhabi is the premier international gathering of government, industry, and thought leaders to set the global energy agenda for the year and anticipate and respond to the dramatic changes in the world of energy. Convened in partnership with the Ministry of Energy of the United Arab Emirates, ADNOC, and Mubadala, the forum precedes the World Future Energy Summit and Abu Dhabi Sustainability week. Learn More
AREDAY, Aspen/Snowmass, CO
The mission of AREDAY is – To create vibrant and powerful cross-sector dialogue, commitments, collaborations and investments that foster climate change solutions at the speed and scale necessary to phase out fossil fuels, and usher in a rapid transition to a new, clean energy economy. Learn More
Green Carpet, Los Angeles, CA
GCAS, San Francisco, CA
The Global Climate Action Summit will bring leaders and people together from around the world to “Take Ambition to the Next Level.” It will be a moment to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of states, regions, cities, companies, investors and citizens with respect to climate action. Learn More
EWSS, Honolulu, HI
IUCN, Honolulu, HI. Learn More
Philanthropy, Hong Kong
EWSS II, Beijing, China
EWSS II, Ningxia, China
The Arctic Circle Summit is the largest network of international dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic. It is an open democratic platform with participation from governments, organizations, corporations, universities, think tanks, environmental associations, indigenous communities, concerned citizens, and others interested in the development of the Arctic and its consequences for the future of the globe. It is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization. Learn More
Hydrogen-HERO Star Scientific, Sydney, Australia