2019 Summit Agenda

The Summit will include Keynotes, Panels, Armchair Conversations, IMPACTFILM, Networking Sessions and  Concert
Viceroy Snowmass Resort

August 14-17, 2019

Agenda subject to change.

AREDAY SUMMIT 2019 – 16th Annual Event

“The Politics of Change: Creating the New Hydrogen-Carbon Economy”

Wednesday, August 14th

Grand Ballroom, Viceroy Hotel

Evening Program
Hosts for the Evening: Chip Comins and Salley Ranney AREI


5:00 pmPre-Registration
6:00 pmNetworking Welcome Reception
Appetizers and Cash Bar
Hosted by AREI
Welcoming Remarks
Chip Comins and Sally Ranney AREI
7:00 pmOpening Keynote Address
2020: The Most Important Political Year in History
Gen. Wesley Clark Wesley Clark and Associates
7:15 pmKeynote Address
Framing the Hydrogen Carbon Economy:
Opportunities and Hurdles to Going to Scale

Ellen Stechel Lightworks ASU
7:45 pmKeynote Address
The HERO Breakthrough
Andrew Horvath Planet Power Systems
Q & A
8:30 pmKeynote Address
Hydrogen Aircraft for Poaching Surveillance
Skipper Darlington Africa ASAP
8:45 pmKeynote Address
The Hydrogen Moonshot
Kunal Sood NOVUS
The Hydrogen Age
Narrated by Leonard Nimoy
10:00 pmEvening Program Concludes


Thursday, August 15th

Grand Ballroom, Viceroy Hotel

Morning Session: Burning Up The Biosphere: Will New Energy Technologies Save Us?
Host for the Morning: Elizabeth Halliday Grace Richardson Fund


7:00 amContinental Breakfast
8:00 amOpening Remarks
Chip Comins AREI
Sally Ranney AREI

Daily Blessing
Phyllis Bald Eagle Lakota Sioux Elder
8:15 amKeynote Address
Bring Back the Wolf: Bring Back the Balance
Delia Malone RMWP
8:30 amKeynote Address
The HERO Breakthrough
Andrew Horvath Planet Power Systems
8:45 amKeynote Address
The Hydrogen Space: An Update
Mary-Rose de Valladares International Energy Agency
9:00 amPanel Discussion
Accelerating the Transition to ZERO Carbon
Moderator: Brian Goldstein Energy Independence Now
Andrew Horvath Planet Power Systems
Mary-Rose de Valladares International Energy Agency
Ellen Stechel Lightworks ASU
9:45 amKeynote Address
Energy Economies:
What Does 100% Renewable Look Like?

Lori Smith Schell Empowered Energy
10:00 amPanel Discussion
Blue Hydrogen: Profit from Capturing Methane Emissions
Moderator: Wiley Rhodes One Step In Foundation
Amory Lovins Rocky Mountain Institute
Alice Madden Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources
10:45 amKeynote Address
PCs, iPhones and Hydrogen
Ed Davis Blue Earth, Inc.
11:00 amKeynote Address
Where the Currents and Tides are Taking Us
Jim Dehlsen Aquantis
11:15 amKeynote Address
What Does it Really Take to be Energy Independent?
Brian Goldstein Energy Independence Now
11:30 amPanel Discussion
The Big Leap Over Fossil Fuels:
Renewables In the Developing World

Moderator: Tom King Borincana Foundation Inc.
Luka Powanga, Ph.D Energy Africa Conference
Colonel William Wyatt United States Army
Steven Conger P4P Energy
12:00 pmArmchair Conversation
It Will be Done! 100% Renewable by 2045
Melissa Miyashiro Blue Planet Foundation
Henk Rogers Blue Planet Foundation
12:15 pmLuncheon Break
Quickly select from a variety of delicious, nutritious buffet food
served with reusable items and return to seats.
12:30 pmLucheon Keynote Address
New Frontiers in Energy Efficiency
Amory Lovins Rocky Mountain Institute
1:15 pmLuncheon Keynote Concludes


Afternoon Session: New Energy Economies: Security for Our Life Support Systems
Host for the Afternoon: Hutch Hutchinson Resilient Analytics


1:30 pmKeynote Address
What We Think About When We Think About Global Warming
Per Espen Stoknes Centre for Green Growth
at the Norwegian Business School
2:00 pmKeynote Address
Can Conservative Youth Leadership Turn the Climate Tide?
Benji Backer American Conservation Coalition
2:15 pmKeynote Address
Recovering Wildlife in Crisis and Repairing Natural Systems
Collin O’Mara National Wildlife Federation
2:30 pmPanel Discussion
Alarms, Alliances & Acceleration of Solutions 
Sally Ranney AREI
Leesa Carter-Jones Captain Planet Foundation
Collin O’Mara National Wildlife Federation
Bruce Stein National Wildlife Foundation
Jim Alexee Sierra Club
3:00 pm
Armchair Conversation
Carbon Pricing = Taxes or Dividends
Moderator: Chip Comins AREI
Ryan Costello Americans for Carbon Dividends
Jonah Kurman-Faber Climate XChange
3:30 pm
Keynote Address
Economically Sustainable Carbon Capture
Brent Constantz Blue Planet Ltd
4:15 pmArmchair Conversation
Utilities Must Take the Lead
Moderator: Dave Munk Holy Cross Energy
Bryan Hannegan Holy Cross Energy
Jon Goldin-Dubois Western Resource Advocates
4:45 pmPanel Discussion
Large-Scale Efficiencies in the Built Environment
Moderator: Chip Comins AREI
Juan Grobler Fridgwise
Brian Black ProStar Energy Solutions
Heidi VanGenderen University of CO Boulder
5:15 pm
Keynote Address
Quantifying the Cost of Adaptation
Hutch Hutchinson Resilient Analytics
5:30 pm
Armchair Conversation
Adaption: Efficiency & Supply Chains
James Goudreau Novartis Business Services
Hutch Hutchinson Resilient Analytics
5:45 pmClosing Remarks
Chip Comins AREI
Sally Ranney AREI


Evening Program
Hosts for the Evening: Chip Comins and Salley Ranney AREI


6:30 pmNetworking Dinner
Buffet and Cash Bar
Sponsored by Ted Turner, Ocean Elder and Turner Enterprises, Inc.
7:00 pmDinner Keynote Address
Passion In Action
Capt. Paul Watson Sea Shepherd
7:30 pmKeynote Address Video
Revolutionary Ocean Project
Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest Fortescue Metals
Flourishing Oceans and Minderoo Foundation
7:45 pmKeynote Address
Turning Passion into Purpose:
Mobilizing the Adventure Sports Community in 2020

Mario Molina Protect Our Winters
8:00 pmKeynote Address
Ocean Health: Strategic Solutions for Governments and Society
Doug Woodring Ocean Recovery Alliance
8:15 pmKeynote Address
Source Points: Solutions to Plastic Pollution Improve the Planet
Dianna Cohen Plastic Pollution Coalition
With Video – Don’t Throw It Away
By Keb’Mo’ with Taj Mahal
8:30 pmArmchair Conversation
The Blue Heart
George Cummings Mission Blue Project Partner
Melody Saunders Brenna Reef Life Restoration and Foundation
Intro and Q & A with Captain Paul Watson Sea Shepherd
10:30 pmEvening Program Concludes


Friday, August 16th

Grand Ballroom, Viceroy Hotel

Morning Session: Sustainable Finance and Business – A New Lens
Host for the Morning: Elizabeth Halliday Grace Richardson Fund


7:00 amContinental Breakfast
8:00 amOpening Remarks
Chip Comins AREI
Sally Ranney AREI

Daily Blessing

Chief Phil Lane Lakota (Skype)
Phyllis Bald Eagle Lakota Sioux Elder
8:30 amOpening Keynote Address
Breaking the Mold
Maggie Cutts Prime
8:45 amPanel Discussion
Innovative Finance Powering Solution
Moderator: David Levine American Sustainable Business Council
Robert Levin Emerging Star Capital LLC
Maggie Cutts Prime
Sandra Kwak 10 Power 
9:30 amPanel Discussion
Accelerating the Transition to ZERO Carbon
Moderator: Bill Brandt ASU Lightworks
Klaus Lackner Center for Negative Carbon Emissions
Ellen Stechel ASU Lightworks
Cheryl Martin Harwich Partners
10:15 amArmchair Conversation
Reinvested Divestment: Can It Help Achieve Climate Stability?
Moderator: Timothy Wirth United Nations Foundation
Thomas Van Dyck SRI Wealth Management Group at RBC
Ellen Dorsey Wallace Global Fund
10:45 amSpecial Announcement
Wallace Global Fund, Earth’s Call, Future Coalition
Katie Eder Future Coalition

Panel Discussion
Climate Philanthropy
Moderator: Chip Comins AREI
Trammell Crow EarthX
John “Spike” Buckley Earth’s Call
Henk Rogers Blue Planet Foundation
John Powers Alliance Center
11:30 amPanel Discussion
Block Chain: Creative Finance for Good
Moderator: Hanieh Sadat Genesys One Capital
Ben Goertzel Singularity NET
Christian Shearer Regen Network
Hendrik Tiesinga New Energy Nexus
12:00 pmArmchair Conversation
Impact Investing: Real or Imagined?
Moderator: Inge Relph Global Choices
Julie Muraco TBLI Group Holdings B.V.
Rachel Payne FEM.Inc
Lina Constantinovici BVC Fund
12:30 pmArmchair Conversation
Women on the Front Lines of Systemic Change
Sally Ranney AREI
Osprey Orielle Lake WECAN
12:45 pmLuncheon Break
Quickly select from a variety of delicious, nutritious buffet food
served with reusable items and return to seats.

1:00 pmLuncheon Keynote
A Finer Future: Creating an Economy in Service to Life
Hunter Lovins Natural Capitalism Solutions
1:30 pmLuncheon Keynote Concludes


Afternoon Session: INNOVATION and POLITICS of CHANGE
Host for the Afternoon: Elizabeth Halliday Grace Richardson Fund


1:45 pmKeynote Address
Where the Votes Are
Gene Karpinski League of Conservation Voters
2:00 pmKeynote Address
2 Trillion Trees? No Problem
Tom Chi Google X
2:15 pmKeynote Address
Innovative Collaborations and Strategies for Waste
Stan Emert Green EnviroTech Holdings
2:30 pmKeynote Address
The Blixt Breakthrough
Charlotta Holmquist Blixt
2:45 pmPanel Discussion
Entrepreneurs Leading Innovation
Moderator: Frank Rukavina Sustainable Innovations Operative, LLC
Gail Levy HFactor Water
Dan Powers CO Labs
Charles Erdman Ideas by Nature
3:30 pm
Point of No Return
Noel Dockstader Far West Films
3:45 pm
Panel Discussion
Wind Energy: 100 Gigawatts and Counting!
Moderator: Larry Flowers G4 Wind
Susan Innis Invenergy
Edward Zaelke McDermott Will & Emery LLP
4:15 pm
Keynote Address
Politics of Change
Bill Becker Presidential Climate Action Plan
4:30 pm
Keynote Address
The New Green Deal
Demond Drummer New Consensus
4:45 pm
Armchair Conversation
In the Disguise of Democracy
Moderator: Timothy Wirth United Nations Foundation
David Orr Oberlin College
Jena Griswold Secretary of State, CO
5:15 pm
Panel Discussion
Digital Democracy: Reinventing Politics with the Iowa Caucus
Moderator: Inge Relph Global Choices
Tracy Vasaturo Traces Consulting
Merlin Yockstick Blue Planet Village
Sen. Jack Hatch Former Iowa State Senator and Hatch Development Group
Joe Conte The Strategy Agency
5:45 pm
Keynote Address
Climate and Social Justice
Brad Markell  AFL-CIO
6:00 pm
Panel Discussion
Clean Free Markets: New Conservative Solutions for the Planet
Moderator: Elizabeth Halliday Grace Richardson Foundation
Colin Finnegan CRES
Captain Robin Tyner, US Navy (Ret) DEPLOY/US and Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship
Jon Kelley Kelly Klee
6:30 pm
Closing Remarks
Chip Comins AREI
Sally Ranney AREI


Evening Program
Special Guest Presidential Candidate Tom Steyer
Hosts for the Evening:
Chip Comins and Salley Ranney AREI


7:00 pmNetworking Dinner
Buffet & Cash Bar
Sponsored by World Ethics and Leadership Foundation
and Cambridge Global Conversations
7:30 pmBreak
7:45 pmDinner Keynote Address
Tom Steyer 2020 Presidential Candidate
8:00 pmArmchair Conversation
Tom Steyer 2020 Presidential Candidate
Jena Griswold Secretary of State, CO
8:15 pmQ & A
8:30 pmArmchair Conversation
Greening the Bridge to China: The G-2
Moderator Chip Comins AREI
Daniel Fung Cambridge Global Conversations
Bill Mundell IKM
Better Angels
Q & A
10:15 pmEvening Program Concludes


Saturday, August 17th

Grand Ballroom, Viceroy Hotel

Morning Session: Science + Nature-Based Solutions = Sustainability
Host for the Morning: Bud Wilson Deep Nature Journeys


7:00 amContinental Breakfast
8:00 amOpening Remarks
Chip Comins  AREI
Sally Ranney  AREI

Daily Blessing

Phyllis Bald Eagle Lakota Sioux Elder
Rev. Jane Quiat Methodist Minister
8:30 amOpening Keynote Address
The World’s Water: Status, Challenges, Solutions
Peter Gleick Pacific Institute
8:45 amPanel Discussion
What Does Water Resiliency Look Like in a Changing Climate?
Moderator: Peter Gleick Pacific Institute
Ravé Mehta Water Ledger
Jerry Mallett Colorado Headwaters
9:15 amPanel Discussion
Enough is Enough: Cleaning Up Compton’s Water
Moderator: Chip Comins AREI
Riggs Eckelberry OriginClear, Inc.
Fred Martin Compton Kidz Club
Cedric Ceballos Formerly with Los Angeles Lakers and Phoenix Suns
9:45 amArmchair Conversation
Can Science Lead the Way in Biodiversity and Climate Policy?
Moderator: Maggie Fox Maggie Fox Strategies
Michelle Wyman National Council for Science and the Environment
Tiina Kurvits EcoSystem Management. Grid Arendal
10:15 amArmchair Conversation
Sustainable Land Use Planning
John McBride Sopris Foundation
Harry Teague Teague Architects
10:30 amKeynote Address
Solving Global Climate Challenges with Local Food Production
Eden Vardy Farm Collaborative
10:45 amPanel Discussion
Go Smart Go Safe Go Sustainable: Regenerative Agriculture
Moderator: Eden Vardy Farm Collaborative
Jerome Ostentowski Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
Bobby Gill Savory Institute
11:15 amPanel Discussion
In Wildness is the Preservation of the World
Moderator: Amy Lewis WILD Foundation
Vance Martin WILD Foundation
Eli Weiss WildiZe Foundation
Eric Schmidt Wildlife Protection Solutions
James Brundige Nature Needs Half and First Light Films
12:00 pmKeynote Address
Big Win for Biodiversity: The Bonobo Peace Forest
Sally Jewell Coxe Bonobo Conservation Initiative
12:15 pmLuncheon Break
Quickly select from a variety of delicious, nutritious buffet food
served with reusable items and return to seats.

12:30 pmLuncheon Armchair Discussion
Ethics of Climate Change: Cambridge Global Conversations
Moderator: Sally Ranney AREI
Marjorie Layden World Ethics and Leadership Foundation
Daniel Fung Cambridge Global Conversations
1:00 pmLuncheon Armchair Discussion Concludes


Afternoon Session: Rising Up! The Urgency is Now!
Host for the Afternoon: Bud Wilson Deep Nature Journeys


1:15 pmKeynote Address and Trailer
Michael Shaun Conaway WeRiseUP
1:30 pmBreak
2:00 pmKeynote Address
Y On Earth
Aaron Perry Y On Earth
2:15 pm
Youth Unstoppable
Slater Jewell-Kemker Youth Unstoppable
2:20 pm
Panel Discussion
Youth Eco-Warriors Take On Climate Justice
Moderator: Henk Rogers Blue Planet Foundation
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez Earth Guardians
Xiye Bastida Fridays for the Future
Slater Jewell-Kemker Unstoppable Youth (Skype)
3:00 pmArmchair Conversation
Millennials Moving the Needle
Katie Hoffman NEXUS
Sandra Kwak 10 Power
Matt Myers EarthX
3:20 pmArmchair Conversation
Incognita Incognitum:
Moving Towards Solutions in the Climate Crisis

Paul Miller (DJ Spooky) Musician and Author
Tom Chi Google X
3:45 pmKeynote Address
EarthX: Bridging the Divide
Tony Keane EarthX
4:00 pmKeynote Address
Captain Planet: 1.5 Million Kids Later
Charles Orgbon Captain Planet Foundation
4:15 pmPanel Discussion
Films Open Your Mind and Change Your Heart
Moderator: Daniel Shaw Author and Catto Shaw Foundation
Beverly Camhe Beverly Camhe Productions
Kate Brooks The Last Animals
Michael Cain EarthxFilm
Jean-Francois Cavelier True Media Company
Rex Wong fliqsmedia
5:00 pmArmchair Conversation
Nexus: Next Gens’ Conservative Case For Clean Energy
Aaron Berger Asymmetrical Solutions
Sarah Hunt Joseph Rainey Center for Public Policy
5:15 pmKeynote Address
Consequences of the Apocalyptic Myth
Andrew Scott Open Mind Project
5:30 pmKeynote Address
A Time for HEROs
Andrew Horvath Planet Power Systems
5:45 pmClosing Conversation
Generation to Generation
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez Earth Guardians
Xiye Bastida Fridays for the Future
Julia Olson Our Children’s Trust (Skype)
Chip Comins AREI
Sally Ranney AREI


Evening Program
Hosts for the Evening: Chip Comins and Salley Ranney AREI


6:30 pmNetworking Dinner
Buffet & Cash Bar
Sponsored by Global Choices
7:15 pmDinner Keynote Address
Flourish or Perish: Time for a Progressive Reality
Jonathan Granoff Global Security
7:30 pmDinner Armchair Conversation
The Nature of Consciousness:
How Do We Accelerate the Shift Needed
Lawrence Ford Conscious Capital
Sally Ranney AREI
7:45 pmPanel Discussion
Practical Wisdom:
Indigenous Knowledge Guides the Way ‘Home’

Moderator: Lawrence Ford Conscious Capital
Osprey Orielle Lake Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
Anita Sanchez Pachamama
Xiye Bastida Fridays for the Future
8:15 pmAREI AREDAY Awards Ceremony
8:30 pmConcert
Valle Musico & Aponi Kai
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez Earth Guardians
10:00 pmEvening Program Concludes


Agenda subject to change.
Any questions please contact us.