How Our Obsession With Parking Fuels the Climate Crisis

In his new book, journalist Henry Grabar reimagines the urban streetscape. How Our Obsession With Parking Fuels the Climate Crisis In his new book, journalist Henry Grabar reimagines the urban streetscape. What could a city like New York achieve if it repurposed some of its 3 million curbside parking spots?  It could get rid of […]

New Renewable Energy Cheaper Than 99% of US Coal

It would be cheaper to build new renewable energy capacity than it is to continue operating nearly every existing coal plant in the U.S., a new report from Energy Innovation finds. Of the country’s remaining 210 coal-fired power plants, more than 99% cost more to run than it would cost to replace them with new renewable energy, […]

Renewable Energy Sources Generated More Electricity Than Coal For the First Time

Renewable energy sources generated more electricity than coal for the first time ever last year, the U.S. Energy Information Administration announced in March. Wind and solar energy produced 14% of U.S.-produced electricity in 2022 with other renewables (including hydro, biomass, and geothermal) generating an additional 7%. Coal produced 20% of electricity generation and methane gas […]

Getting it Done: Greenest Cities Shift Gears from Plans to Implementation

With the majority of the world’s population living in urban areas, and cities accounting for 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions, local governments will play a central role in allocating the $6 to $9 trillion per year that must be invested in the global sustainability transition this decade, concludes the latest Sustainable Cities Index published […]