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AREDAY 2017 Highlights

Jeffrey Sachs, Earth Institute, Columbia University

Moderator: Amanda Ellis, East-West Center
Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
Anita Sanchez, Pachamama Alliance
Aria McKenna, Global Cooling Project
Katie Hoffman, Resco LLC

Moderator: Gen. Wesley Clark, Growth Energy
Sherri Goodman, Wilson Center
Jon Powers, Clean Capital
Andrea Yodsampa, DEPLOY/US

Lester Brown, Worldwatch & Earth Policy Institute

Maggie Fox, MaggieFoxStrategies

Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism Solutions

Sandra Kwak, 10Power
Ryan Kushner, Elemental Excelerator
Amanda Ravenhill, Buckminster Fuller Institute
Paul Miller, DJ Spooky

Philip Gregory, Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy

Sally Ranney, AREI
Pat Mitchell, Sundance Institute

Moderator: Sally Ranney, AREI
Julie Ann Wrigley, Julie Ann Wrigley Foundation
Keith Tuffley, The B Team
Amanda Ellis, East-West Center
Jeffrey Sachs
Globalization, Climate Change, and the End of Poverty
Jeffrey Sachs, Earth Institute, Columbia University
Amanda Ellis, Osprey Orielle Lake, Anita Sanchez, Aria McKenna, Katie Hoffman
Women Rising
Moderator: Amanda Ellis, East-West Center
Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
Anita Sanchez, Pachamama Alliance
Aria McKenna, Global Cooling Project
Katie Hoffman, Resco LLC
Gen. Wesley Clark, Sherri Goodman, Jon Powers, Andrea Yodsampa
The Impact of Renewable Energy on National Security Policy
Moderator: Gen. Wesley Clark, Growth Energy
Sherri Goodman, Wilson Center
Jon Powers, Clean Capital
Andrea Yodsampa, DEPLOY/US
Lester Brown
Countdown: The World is Running Out of Water
Lester Brown, Worldwatch & Earth Policy Institute
Maggie Fox
Co-Creating a Climate Narrative In and Through Culture
Maggie Fox, MaggieFoxStrategies
Hunter Lovins
Financing the Regenerative Economy
Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism Solutions
Sandra Kwak, Ryan Kushner, Amanda Ravenhill, Paul Miller
Accelerating Into the Future
Sandra Kwak, 10Power
Ryan Kushner, Elemental Excelerator
Amanda Ravenhill, Buckminster Fuller Institute
Paul Miller, DJ Spooky
Philip Gregory
The Biggest Trial of Our Century: Suing the Federal Government to Protect Future Generations
Philip Gregory, Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy
Pat Mitchell, Sally Ranney
Women’s Leadership in the 21st Century: Stabilizing Influence, Place and Gender Equality in Global Issues
Sally Ranney, AREI
Pat Mitchell, Sundance Institute
Julie Ann Wrigley, Keith Tuffley, Amanda Ellis, Sally Ranney
New Territory for Philanthropy: Transformative Investment
Moderator: Sally Ranney, AREI
Julie Ann Wrigley, Julie Ann Wrigley Foundation
Keith Tuffley, The B Team
Amanda Ellis, East-West Center
Day 1 – Monday, June 19th
Morning Session – Reclaiming Democracy, Communicating Climate and Creating A New Narrative
Morning Host – Tara Sheahan Conscious Global Leadership
Afternoon Session – Big Innovation + Big Investment = Big Change
Afternoon Host – Scott Red Horse Barta GrandMotherEarth.Us Global Water Protector Campaign

Scott Red Horse Barta, GrandMotherEarth.Us Global Water Protector Campaign

Moderator: Mathew Schmid, Tree Media;
Bill Becker, Presidential Climate Action Plan;
John Powers, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado

Eric Pooley, Environmental Defense Fund

Moderator: Kris Mayes, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability
Rob Sisson, ConservAmerica
Rod Richardson, Grace Richardson Fund
Matthew Patsky, Trillium Asset Management

David Fenton, Fenton Communications

Moderator: Todd Woody, News Deeply
Ruarai McKenna, Care2
Laughlin Artz, 2020 or Bust

Daniel Kreeger, Association for Climate Change Officers

Moderator: Michael Cain, EARTHx Films
Susan Israel, Climate Creatives
Mark David, OTG Productions
Varushka Franceschi, Shapeshift Dream Productions

Maggie Fox, MaggieFoxStrategies

Patrick Furlotti, Projects for Good & Global Mana
Nick Gogerty, SolarCoin

Chip Comins, AREI
Trammell Crow, EARTHx
Henk Rogers, Blue Planet Foundation

Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Tom Van Dyck, RBC Wealth Management
Clara Vonrich, Divest Invest Philanthropy

Jeffrey Ackermann, CO Public Utility Commission

Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Jim Farrell, CC3IC
Hanieh Sadat, ImpactX Circle
Theo Cosmora, SDG Coin

Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism Solutions

Moderator: Sally Ranney, AREI
Brett Byers, Million Acre Pledge
Sally Jewell Coxe, Bonobo Conservation Initiative
Harris Sherman, Forest Trends
Rod Richardson, Grace Richardson Fund

John Rhee, Stratis Private Equity Asia

Moderator: Joel Serface, Catalyze
Mark Nichols, Seaspire Investments
Ryan Kushner, Elemental Excelerator
John Rhee, Stratis Equity Asia

Moderator: Bill Brandt, ASU LightWorks
Matthew Patsky, Trillium Asset Management
Ellen Stechel, ASU LightWorks
Noah Deich, Center for Carbon Removal
Michael Ferguson, S&P Global

Bob Gough, Intertribal Council on Utility Policy (COUP)
Scott Red Horse Barta
Blessings and Reflections
Scott Red Horse Barta, GrandMotherEarth.Us Global Water Protector Campaign
Mathew Schmid, Bill Becker, John Powers
The Framework and Tools to Heal a Divided America and Reconstruct Democracy
Moderator: Mathew Schmid, Tree Media;
Bill Becker, Presidential Climate Action Plan;
John Powers, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado
Eric Pooley
Keeping Hope Alive: Climate in the Trump Era
Eric Pooley, Environmental Defense Fund
Kris Mayes, Rob Sisson, Rod Richardson, Matthew Patsky
New Ideas in Green Conservatism: Clean Capitalist Acceleration
Moderator: Kris Mayes, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability
Rob Sisson, ConservAmerica
Rod Richardson, Grace Richardson Fund
Matthew Patsky, Trillium Asset Management
David Fenton
Getting the Public to Act and Vote on Climate
David Fenton, Fenton Communications
Todd Woody, Ruarai McKenna, Laughlin Artz
Overcoming Alternative Facts and Fake News: Climate Change, Energy and the Environment
Moderator: Todd Woody, News Deeply
Ruarai McKenna, Care2
Laughlin Artz, 2020 or Bust
Daniel Kreeger
The Time to Act is Now: Doubling Down on Climate Leadership
Daniel Kreeger, Association for Climate Change Officers
Michael Cain, Susan Israel, Mark David, Varushka Franceschi
Creatively Changing Climate Perceptions through Media, Film and the Arts
Moderator: Michael Cain, EARTHx Films
Susan Israel, Climate Creatives
Mark David, OTG Productions
Varushka Franceschi, Shapeshift Dream Productions
Maggie Fox
Co-Creating a Climate Narrative In and Through Culture
Maggie Fox, MaggieFoxStrategies
Patrick Furlotti, Nick Gogerty
Crypto Currency: Can the Blockchain Transform Finance?
Patrick Furlotti, Projects for Good & Global Mana
Nick Gogerty, SolarCoin
Trammell Crow, Henk Rogers, Chip Comins
The New Green Conservatives
Chip Comins, AREI
Trammell Crow, EARTHx
Henk Rogers, Blue Planet Foundation
Chip Comins, Tom Van Dyck, Clara Vonrich
$5 Trillion: Divest to Reinvest
Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Tom Van Dyck, RBC Wealth Management
Clara Vonrich, Divest Invest Philanthropy
Jeffrey Ackermann
Renewable Energy, Finance and Public Utilities
Jeffrey Ackermann, CO Public Utility Commission
Chip Comins, Jim Farrell, Hanieh Sadat, Theo Cosmora
Shareholder to Stakeholder: Financing a Sustainable Future
Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Jim Farrell, CC3IC
Hanieh Sadat, ImpactX Circle
Theo Cosmora, SDG Coin
Hunter Lovins
Financing the Regenerative Economy
Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism Solutions
Sally Ranney, Brett Byers, Sally Jewell Coxe, Harris Sherman, Rod Richardson
Finance Mechanisms for Conservation of the World’s Forests
Moderator: Sally Ranney, AREI
Brett Byers, Million Acre Pledge
Sally Jewell Coxe, Bonobo Conservation Initiative
Harris Sherman, Forest Trends
Rod Richardson, Grace Richardson Fund
John Rhee
One Road One Path: Institutional Investing for a Global Clean Energy Economy
John Rhee, Stratis Private Equity Asia
Joel Serface, Mark Nichols, Ryan Kushner, John Rhee
Accelerating CleanTech Investment
Moderator: Joel Serface, Catalyze
Mark Nichols, Seaspire Investments
Ryan Kushner, Elemental Excelerator
John Rhee, Stratis Equity Asia
Bill Brandt, Matthew Patsky, Ellen Stechel, Noah Deich, Michael Ferguson
Reframing the Research Investment Discussion: Democratizing Investing in Humanity, Nature and Carbon
Moderator: Bill Brandt, ASU LightWorks
Matthew Patsky, Trillium Asset Management
Ellen Stechel, ASU LightWorks
Noah Deich, Center for Carbon Removal
Michael Ferguson, S&P Global
Bob Gough
Indigenuity: Grass Roots Resilience
Bob Gough, Intertribal Council on Utility Policy (COUP)
Day 2 – Tuesday, June 20th
Morning Session – National Security, Policy and Action
Morning Host – Eva Leung Terra Cura
Afternoon Session – The Alchemy of Carbon: Transforming, Economies and Taxes
Afternoon Host – Geoff Greenfield Third Sun Solar

Lester Brown, Worldwatch & Earth Policy Institute

Moderator: Gen. Wesley Clark, Growth Energy
Sherri Goodman, Wilson Center
Jon Powers, Clean Capital
Andrea Yodsampa, DEPLOY/US

Erfan Ibrahim, NREL

Sue Thompson, Wildlife Protection Solutions
Dave Weidner, Wildlife Protection Solutions

Moderator: Sally Ranney, AREI
Jerry Mallett, American Wildlands
Harris Sherman, Arnold & Porter LLP
Varushka Franceschi, Shapeshift Dream Productions

Arlene Burns, Mayor of Mosier, OR

Pete Maysmith, Conservation Colorado
Jon Goldin-Dubois, Western Resource Advocates

Adam Gardner, REVERB, Guster

Bob Perkowitz, ecoAmerica
Andrea Yodsampa, DEPLOY/US

Don Moon, Character Actor
Sally Ranney, AREI

Jim White, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research

Chip Comins, AREI
Rick Heede, Climate Accountability Institute

Moderator: Bill Brandt, ASU LightWorks
Noah Deich, Center for Carbon Removal
Klaus Lackner, Center for Negative Carbon Emissions
Ellen Stechel, ASU LightWorks

Harry Kloor, XPRIZE

Klaus Lackner, Center for Negative Carbon Emissions
Jens Nielsen, World Climate Ltd

Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Richard Eidlin, ASB Council
Catrina Rorke, R Street Institute

Rod Richardson, Grace Richardson Fund

Moderator: Rod Richardson, Grace Richardson Fund
Hutch Hutchinson, Rocky Mountain Institute
Travis Johnson, ASU LightWorks
Travis Holland, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Aaron Berger, Nexus Working Group on Climate Change

Moderator: Marilyn Averill, Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy and Environment
Frederick Lemond, The Lemond Consortium, LLC
Zane Rhodes, Flash Gas Control, LLC
Travis Holland, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Chip Comins, AREI
Sally Ranney, AREI
Lester Brown
Countdown: The World is Running Out of Water
Lester Brown, Worldwatch & Earth Policy Institute
Gen. Wesley Clark, Sherri Goodman, Jon Powers, Andrea Yodsampa
The Impact of Renewable Energy on National Security Policy
Moderator: Gen. Wesley Clark, Growth Energy
Sherri Goodman, Wilson Center
Jon Powers, Clean Capital
Andrea Yodsampa, DEPLOY/US
Erfan Ibrahim
Cyber Resilience and Energy Security
Erfan Ibrahim, NREL
Sue Thompson, Dave Weidner
Wildlife Protection Solutions
Sue Thompson, Wildlife Protection Solutions
Dave Weidner, Wildlife Protection Solutions
Sally Ranney, Jerry Mallett, Harris Sherman, Varushka Franceschi
Then and Now: Public Land Policy in the West
Moderator: Sally Ranney, AREI
Jerry Mallett, American Wildlands
Harris Sherman, Arnold & Porter LLP
Varushka Franceschi, Shapeshift Dream Productions
Arlene Burns
Derailment: The Story of the Bakken Crude Spill
Arlene Burns, Mayor of Mosier, OR
Pete Maysmith, Jon Goldin-Dubois
Implications of National Politics on State and Regional Clean Energy and Climate Action
Pete Maysmith, Conservation Colorado
Jon Goldin-Dubois, Western Resource Advocates
Adam Gardner
Climate Muscle in the Music Industry
Adam Gardner, REVERB, Guster
Bob Perkowitz, Andrea Yodsampa
How Can the Backwards Slide Take Us Forward?
Bob Perkowitz, ecoAmerica
Andrea Yodsampa, DEPLOY/US
President Teddy Roosevelt, Don Moon, Sally Ranney
President Teddy Roosevelt: Remarks and Observations on Life, Politics and Conservation
Don Moon, Character Actor
Sally Ranney, AREI
Jim White
The Alchemy of Carbon
Jim White, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Chip Comins, Rick Heede
Carbon Majors
Chip Comins, AREI
Rick Heede, Climate Accountability Institute
Bill Brandt, Noah Deich, Klaus Lackner, Ellen Stechel
Delivering the Zero Carbon Economy at Scale
Moderator: Bill Brandt, ASU LightWorks
Noah Deich, Center for Carbon Removal
Klaus Lackner, Center for Negative Carbon Emissions
Ellen Stechel, ASU LightWorks
Harry Kloor
Harry Kloor, XPRIZE
Klaus Lackner, Jens Nielsen
CCS Tech: Economic, Safe and Reliable?
Klaus Lackner, Center for Negative Carbon Emissions
Jens Nielsen, World Climate Ltd
Chip Comins, Richard Eidlin, Catrina Rorke
Pricing Carbon: Driving the Economics of Emissions Reduction
Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Richard Eidlin, ASB Council
Catrina Rorke, R Street Institute
Rod Richardson
Happy Birthday Clean Tax Cuts (CTC)! One Year and Eight Charrettes Older (& Wiser)
Rod Richardson, Grace Richardson Fund
Rod Richardson, Hutch Hutchinson, Travis Johnson, Travis Holland, Aaron Berger
Simple, Practical, High-Impact: New CTC Proposals and the Race Ahead to Clean Capitalism
Moderator: Rod Richardson, Grace Richardson Fund
Hutch Hutchinson, Rocky Mountain Institute
Travis Johnson, ASU LightWorks
Travis Holland, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Aaron Berger, Nexus Working Group on Climate Change
Marilyn Averill, Frederick Lemond, Zane Rhodes, Travis Holland
Moving One Step In: Oil and Gas Best Practices
Moderator: Marilyn Averill, Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy and Environment
Frederick Lemond, The Lemond Consortium, LLC
Zane Rhodes, Flash Gas Control, LLC
Travis Holland, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Chip Comins, Sally Ranney
Tuesday Closing Remarks
Chip Comins, AREI
Sally Ranney, AREI
Day 3 – Wednesday, June 21st
Morning Session – The Essential Shift: 100% Renewables By 2050
Morning Host – Janice Hall Natural Network International
Afternoon Session – Restoring the Balance Through Conscious Resilience
Afternoon Host – Michael Fuller P4P

General Wesley Clark, Growth Energy

Kyle Sundman, Oak Leaf Energy Partner
Emma Hutchinson, Students for a Sustainable Stanford, Stanford University

Adam Browning, Vote Solar

Moderator: Peter Stricker, P4P Energy
David Hofstatter, P4P Energy
Steven Cogner, P4P Energy

Doug Stoup, Ice Axe Expeditions

Laughlin Artz, 2020 or Bust

Larry Flowers, G4 Wind LLC
Sheldon Greene, Oak Creek Energy

Jerome Ringo, Zoetic Global

Moderator: Matthew Shmigelsky, CLEER & Refuel Colorado
Ryan Popple, Proterra
Hutch Hutchinson, Rocky Mountain Institute
Mona Newton, CORE
Harry Kloor, XPRIZE

Moderator: John Powers, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado
Sandra Vanderstoep, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado
Derek Cowburn, LumenCache
Katherine Dayem, Xergy Consulting

Moderator: David Orr, Oberlin College
Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism Solutions
John Powers, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado

Mike Phillips, Turner Endangered Species Fund
Tom Winston, Grizzly Creek Films

Carl Gustaf Lundin, IUCN

Moderator: Sally Ranney, AREI
Julie Ann Wrigley, Julie Ann Wrigley Foundation
Keith Tuffley, The B Team
Amanda Ellis, East-West Center

David Katz, Plastic Bank

Moderator: Jonathan Voss, Lake Research Partners
Soledad Mills, Equitable Origin, Inc.
Ami Dalal, FINCA
David Katz, Plastic Bank

Adam Sacks, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate

Moderator: Amanda Ellis, East-West Center
Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
Anita Sanchez, Pachamama Alliance
Aria McKenna, Global Cooling Project
Katie Hoffman, Resco LLC

Philip Gregory, Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy

Moderator: Daniel Shaw, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies
Anita Sanchez, Pachamama Alliance
Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network

Dan Lashof, NextGen Climate

Moderator: Amanda Ravenhill, Buckminster Fuller Institute
John R. Seydel, City of Atlanta
David Orr, Oberlin College
Michael Grove, Sasaki Associates
Roger Sorkin, American Resilience Project

Keith Tuffley, The B Team

Moderator: Jim White, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Keith Tuffley, The B Team
Douglas Stoup, Ice Axe Expeditions
Kerry Koepping, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
General Wesley Clark
Cellulosic Ethanol Vs. Natural Gas
General Wesley Clark, Growth Energy
Kyle Sundman, Emma Hutchinson
The Solar Breakthrough
Kyle Sundman, Oak Leaf Energy Partner
Emma Hutchinson, Students for a Sustainable Stanford, Stanford University
Adam Browning
Making Solar Affordable and Accessible for Americans
Adam Browning, Vote Solar
Peter Stricker, David Hofstatter, Steven Cogner
Innovative, Multiple-Value Solar Technology Anywhere and Everywhere
Moderator: Peter Stricker, P4P Energy
David Hofstatter, P4P Energy
Steven Cogner, P4P Energy
Doug Stoup
The Need to Scale Renewables to Save Our Ice
Doug Stoup, Ice Axe Expeditions
Laughlin Artz
Crowdsourcing the End of the Climate Crisis
Laughlin Artz, 2020 or Bust
Larry Flowers, Sheldon Greene
Build Wind Turbines, Not Walls
Larry Flowers, G4 Wind LLC
Sheldon Greene, Oak Creek Energy
Jerome Ringo
Ramping up Hydro: Innovative Hydrokinetic Technologies
Jerome Ringo, Zoetic Global
Matthew Shmigelsky, Ryan Popple, Hutch Hutchinson, Mona Newton, Harry Kloor
The Transportation Transition
Moderator: Matthew Shmigelsky, CLEER & Refuel Colorado
Ryan Popple, Proterra
Hutch Hutchinson, Rocky Mountain Institute
Mona Newton, CORE
Harry Kloor, XPRIZE
John Powers, Sandra Vanderstoep, Derek Cowburn, Katherine Dayem
Closing the Chasm to Clean Energy Adoption
Moderator: John Powers, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado
Sandra Vanderstoep, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado
Derek Cowburn, LumenCache
Katherine Dayem, Xergy Consulting
David Orr, Hunter Lovins, John Powers
Creating a New Narrative
Moderator: David Orr, Oberlin College
Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism Solutions
John Powers, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado
Mike Phillips, Tom Winston
Restoring the Balance: Bringing Back the Wolves
Mike Phillips, Turner Endangered Species Fund
Tom Winston, Grizzly Creek Films
Carl Gustaf Lundin
State of the Oceans: Where We Are and What Must Be Achieved in Ocean Health
Carl Gustaf Lundin, IUCN
Julie Ann Wrigley, Keith Tuffley, Amanda Ellis, Sally Ranney
New Territory for Philanthropy: Transformative Investment
Moderator: Sally Ranney, AREI
Julie Ann Wrigley, Julie Ann Wrigley Foundation
Keith Tuffley, The B Team
Amanda Ellis, East-West Center
David Katz
Using Ocean Plastic to Solve Global Poverty, and How YOU Can Help
David Katz, Plastic Bank
Jonathan Voss, Soledad Mills, Ami Dalal, David Katz
Transformative Impact in the Developing World
Moderator: Jonathan Voss, Lake Research Partners
Soledad Mills, Equitable Origin, Inc.
Ami Dalal, FINCA
David Katz, Plastic Bank
Adam Sacks
Global Warming and Restoring Life on Earth: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Adam Sacks, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Amanda Ellis, Osprey Orielle Lake, Anita Sanchez, Aria McKenna, Katie Hoffman
Women Rising
Moderator: Amanda Ellis, East-West Center
Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
Anita Sanchez, Pachamama Alliance
Aria McKenna, Global Cooling Project
Katie Hoffman, Resco LLC
Philip Gregory
The Biggest Trial of Our Century: Suing the Federal Government to Protect Future Generations
Philip Gregory, Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy
Daniel Shaw, Anita Sanchez, Osprey Orielle Lake
The Rights of Nature: Indigenous Wisdom and Sustainable Technologies
Moderator: Daniel Shaw, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies
Anita Sanchez, Pachamama Alliance
Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
Dan Lashof
The Role of Subnational Leadership In the Age of Trump
Dan Lashof, NextGen Climate
Amanda Ravenhill, John R. Seydel, David Orr, Michael Grove, Roger Sorkin
Taking the Lead: Sustainable Cities are Serious Business
Moderator: Amanda Ravenhill, Buckminster Fuller Institute
John R. Seydel, City of Atlanta
David Orr, Oberlin College
Michael Grove, Sasaki Associates
Roger Sorkin, American Resilience Project
Keith Tuffley
Arctic Presentations:
Keith Tuffley, The B Team
Jim White, Keith Tuffley, Douglas Stoup, Kerry Koepping
Challengers Tell the Story: Climate Change and Ice
Moderator: Jim White, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Keith Tuffley, The B Team
Douglas Stoup, Ice Axe Expeditions
Kerry Koepping, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Day 4 – Thursday, June 22nd
Morning Session – The Water/Energy Nexus Accelerating Into The Future
Morning Host – Joanie Klar Bruce Media Producer
Afternoon Session – Nature Needs Half: Regenerative Strategies and Whole Systems Problem Solving
Afternoon Host – Kyle Sundman Oak Leaf Energy Partner

Jeffrey Sachs, Earth Institute, Columbia University

Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Monica Brett, Security and Sustainability Forum
Ed Saltzberg, Security and Sustainability Forum

Gregory Stone, Conservation International

Moderator: Samantha Joye, University of Georgia
Louie Psihoyos, Oceanic Preservation Society
Albert Slap, Coastal Risk Consulting, LLC
Britt Basel, Ecothropic

Moderator: Jerry Mallet, American Wildlands
Eric Kuhn, Colorado River District
Bob Irvin, American Rivers

Mario Molina, Climate Reality Project

Sandra Kwak, 10Power
Ryan Kushner, Elemental Excelerator
Amanda Ravenhill, Buckminster Fuller Institute
Paul Miller, DJ Spooky

Susan Myers, United Nations Foundation

Commissioner Tim Echols, Georgia Public Service Commission

Sally Ranney, AREI
Pat Mitchell, Sundance Institute

Anthony Leiserowitz, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Moderator: Tim LaSalle, Natural Products Expo West
Alison Burchell, NTS Group Research Collaborative
Daniela Howell, Savory Center
John W. Roulac, Nutiva

Moderator: Michael Bowman, Nat’l Hemp Association
Jerome Osentowski, Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
Brook LeVan, Sustainable Settings
Bill Reed, Regenesis Group
Mynoo Maryel, PoEM

Steve Michelson, Lobitos Creek Ranch
James Brundige, First Light Films

Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Henry Elkus, HELENA
Samuel Feinburg, HELENA
Luka Powanga, Energy Africa Conference

Michael Brune, Sierra Club

Chip Comins & Sally Ranney, AREI
Jeffrey Sachs
Globalization, Climate Change, and the End of Poverty
Jeffrey Sachs, Earth Institute, Columbia University
Monica Brett, Ed Saltzberg, Chip Comins
Systems Thinking: How to Fill the Climate Literacy Gap
Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Monica Brett, Security and Sustainability Forum
Ed Saltzberg, Security and Sustainability Forum
Gregory Stone
Oceans Are on High Alert Status
Gregory Stone, Conservation International
Samantha Joye, Louie Psihoyos, Albert Slap, Britt Basel
Every Breath You Take, Two of Three, Come From The Sea
Moderator: Samantha Joye, University of Georgia
Louie Psihoyos, Oceanic Preservation Society
Albert Slap, Coastal Risk Consulting, LLC
Britt Basel, Ecothropic
Jerry Mallet, Eric Kuhn, Bob Irvin
Headwaters at Home
Moderator: Jerry Mallet, American Wildlands
Eric Kuhn, Colorado River District
Bob Irvin, American Rivers
Mario Molina
Climate Reality
Mario Molina, Climate Reality Project
Sandra Kwak, Ryan Kushner, Amanda Ravenhill, Paul Miller
Accelerating Into the Future
Sandra Kwak, 10Power
Ryan Kushner, Elemental Excelerator
Amanda Ravenhill, Buckminster Fuller Institute
Paul Miller, DJ Spooky
Susan Myers
The United Nations Foundation: Principles and Priorities in a Rapidly Changing World
Susan Myers, United Nations Foundation
Commissioner Tim Echols
Grid Resilience Through Renewable Energy
Commissioner Tim Echols, Georgia Public Service Commission
Pat Mitchell, Sally Ranney
Women’s Leadership in the 21st Century: Stabilizing Influence, Place and Gender Equality in Global Issues
Sally Ranney, AREI
Pat Mitchell, Sundance Institute
Anthony Leiserowitz
Does America’s Climate Literacy Equate to America’s Climate Risks?
Anthony Leiserowitz, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Tim LaSalle, Alison Burchell, Daniela Howell, John W. Roulac
Regenerative Agriculture: Feed the World & Reverse Climate Change
Moderator: Tim LaSalle, Natural Products Expo West
Alison Burchell, NTS Group Research Collaborative
Daniela Howell, Savory Center
John W. Roulac, Nutiva
Michael Bowman, Jerome Osentowski, Brook LeVan, Bill Reed, Mynoo Maryel
Solving Climate Change from the Ground Up
Moderator: Michael Bowman, Nat’l Hemp Association
Jerome Osentowski, Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
Brook LeVan, Sustainable Settings
Bill Reed, Regenesis Group
Mynoo Maryel, PoEM
Steve Michelson, James Brundige
Nature Needs Half
Steve Michelson, Lobitos Creek Ranch
James Brundige, First Light Films
Henry Elkus, Samuel Feinburg, Luka Powanga, Chip Comins
Global Collaborative: Connecting the Dots
Moderator: Chip Comins, AREI
Henry Elkus, HELENA
Samuel Feinburg, HELENA
Luka Powanga, Energy Africa Conference
Michael Brune
Activating the Masses, Implementing Solutions
Michael Brune, Sierra Club
Chip Comins, Sally Ranney
Final Closing Remarks
Chip Comins & Sally Ranney, AREI
More 2017 videos coming soon! Stay tuned!
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